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Outbox: Email Broadcasts Guide

Use email broadcasts to send mass communication quickly to your people.

Updated over a week ago

Email Broadcasts are a great option to quickly get a message to a large group of your people. Email open rates are typically lower than text message, but sometimes longer message or a certain kind of content is better sent via email.

Use Email Broadcasts to quickly distribute longer content, reinforce what was sent via text, and more!

How to send an email broadcast

  1. Under your Messaging menu navigate to Outbox and Broadcasts. Click Write a Message.

  2. Select Email to send an email broadcast.

3. Select who you want to send it to: individuals, groups, or your entire congregation.

Important: Only people in your Gloo account with a valid email address will receive the email. For instructions on how to make sure Gloo captures email addresses from new subscribers, read our User Onboarding Settings article.

Email addresses can also be added to your people via CSV import and via Church Management System integration. But note that Gloo will still only bring over people with an active phone number, even if they have an email address in your ChMS.

4. If there is a group or individuals you'd like to exclude, click Exclude these groups and/or people. Then select which groups and/or individuals you don't want included.

Note: If your plan includes Explorers, Gloo automatically adds all Explorers to an Explorer Group, which is automatically excluded from all Broadcasts. This is to prevent accidentally sending out regular church communication to an Explorer who may not be connected with your church yet. If you would like to include Explorers in your Broadcast, simply remove them from the exclusion list.

5. Type in the name you want to show up in people’s inboxes as the sender of the message and the email address you want people to reply to.

Important: Any responses to your email broadcast will come to this email address and will not show up in your Gloo Messages tab.

6. Type in the Subject line for your email, and craft the email.

Note: If you'd like to attach an image to the email, you can add them using the image icon, then pasting in the image URL. From your browser, right-click on the image, then click on "copy image URL".

You can also add an Assessment to your email. Read more about that here!

7. You can send the message immediately by selecting Send now, or schedule it for another time by selecting Send Later and choosing a date and time.

  1. Click Preview Broadcast.

  2. Make sure you have the Broadcast the way you like it. Once you've verified all the information is correct, click Send to X People to send your message.

See any upcoming scheduled Broadcast messages

See previous Broadcasts and related information

Duplicate or edit Broadcast messages

  1. The contents of any Broadcast can be easily copied and pasted into a new Broadcast, in case you need to send several very similar Broadcasts. Just hover your mouse over the message in your Sent log and click the copy button the appears on the left-hand side. The text will be copied, and then when you open a new Broadcast just right-click your mouse and paste the message in.

Note: You can also duplicate a message by clicking the 3 dot drop-down to the right of the message and selecting "Duplicate."

2. You can edit a scheduled Broadcast that has not been sent yet by clicking the three dot dropdown menu on the right side of the message.

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