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Quick Start: Your personalized first Broadcast!

Use this guide to send your first Broadcast.

Updated over 10 months ago

Sending your first Broadcast with Gloo is easy and only takes a few minutes. This can be a great way to introduce your congregation to Gloo and make sure they get your number saved in their phones!

How to send our templated first broadcast

If you're not sure where to start, weโ€™re here to help! Follow these easy steps to use our template. This tried and true method will introduce Gloo texting to your church, encourage them to save your number in their phones, let them know what the system can do, and generate immediate value by having them text in a prayer request!

  1. Head over to your Discover tab and go to the Broadcasts section under Resources. Find the template called "Your Church's First Broadcast" and click on the template to get started.

  2. Read the instructions to learn how to set up the Broadcast.

  3. Customize anything you want to your church, and replace all [bracketed] text with your information. However, any text in {{curly brackets}} is smart text that will be filled by the system with, for example, the recipient's name.

Select the recipients. This can be everyone, groups, individuals, or a combination. Check out our guides on adding people and creating groups if you haven't already.

Note: If your account includes Explorer Connections, all Explorers will automatically be excluded from your Broadcast so that you don't accidentally interrupt your conversations with them. If you'd like Explorers to receive your Broadcast, simply remove them from the Exclude bar.

5. Choose Send Now if you're ready for it to go out right away. Or you can choose Schedule for Later to choose a date and time. Then click Preview Broadcast.

6. Review your message and click Send to X People.

How to craft a custom first Broadcast

If you prefer to write your own, follow these easy steps to create and send your broadcast.

Pro Tip: Don't forget to introduce yourself and encourage people to save the number in their phone as your organization's name. In addition, including a call to action at the end of the text encourages immediate engagement!

  1. Under your Messaging menu, navigate to Outbox -> Broadcasts tab. Click Create New Broadcast.

  2. Craft your message. The 5 icons below can be used to add emojis, shorten URLs, personalize your messages, and attach images and videos.

  3. Select the recipients. This can be everyone, groups, individuals, or a combination. Check out our guides on adding people and creating groups if you haven't already.

  4. Choose Send Now if you're ready for it to go out right away. Or you can choose Schedule for Later to choose a date and time. Then click Preview Broadcast.

  5. Review your message and click Send to X People.

  6. Sit back and relax. Your message is being delivered to all of your selected recipients!

Note: If you added people manually, via ChMS integration, or via CSV upload, the first broadcast sent to each person will be amended with "Sent by [ORG NAME]. Text STOP to opt out." This will only happen on the very first broadcast.

Want the complete guide to Broadcasting? Check out this article.

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