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Explorer Connections
How do Explorers get Connected to your Church/Ministry? - Campaigns
How do Explorers get Connected to your Church/Ministry? - Campaigns

Learn more about how Explorers get connected to your Church/Ministry via Campaigns

Alexander Maricich avatar
Written by Alexander Maricich
Updated over a week ago

1. The Importance of Connecting: Austin emphasizes the significance of connecting with Explorers who are seeking hope, encouragement, and support. He highlights the role of the church or ministry in guiding them through their journey and offering support and guidance.

2. The Explorer Connection Platform: Austin introduces the Explorer Connection Platform, which utilizes Ad campaigns across various channels to connect Explorers to local Churches or Ministries. It explains how Explorers fill out contact cards with their information and needs, which are then routed to the closest participating Church or Ministry for support and encouragement.

3. Engaging with Explorers: Austin encourages Churches and Ministries to respond to Explorers with support, guidance, and encouragement. He emphasizes the importance of offering a loving and compassionate response, integrating best practices for connecting with individuals on their spiritual journey.

You can also check out our What campaigns are reaching Explorers? for more account details

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