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Gloo University
Explorer Connections
5 Keys to Successful Explorer Interactions
5 Keys to Successful Explorer Interactions

Please watch here for 5 tips on being successful with Explorer interactions

Alexander Maricich avatar
Written by Alexander Maricich
Updated over a week ago
  1. Respond as soon as you can: Explorers who are responded to within the first hour of being matched with your Church have a higher chance of texting back. It is important to be prompt in your responses, showing that you are attentive and available.

  2. Introduce yourself and share how you got their information: Explorers may not be familiar with who you are or why you are texting them. Make sure to let them know who you are and mention the campaign they came from or the form they filled out online.

  3. Ask a specific question: Engage Explorers in meaningful conversations by asking specific questions, such as what difficulties they are facing that day. This can help create a dialogue and foster connection.

  4. Use conversation support and sample response help: Utilize the resources available to assist you in initiating conversations. Take advantage of sample responses, discover videos, and response tips to help you send quality first messages.

  5. Message more than once: It has been observed that almost 30% of Explorers do not respond until receiving a second message. If there is no response initially, wait a few hours and send another text to show that you genuinely care and are interested in hearing their story.

By following these five keys, you can enhance your interactions with Explorers and create meaningful connections that may lead to further engagement and exploration of their faith journey.

You can also check out our 3 Strategies for responding to Explorers as a team for more account details

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