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I'm getting "This user was previously deleted. Do you want to restore them?" when adding someone...
I'm getting "This user was previously deleted. Do you want to restore them?" when adding someone...
Updated over 7 months ago

As you’re adding in new people into Gloo under the People tab, you may come across a popup that states that “This user was previously deleted. Do you want to restore them?”

This occurs when the phone number already exists in Gloo. Because Gloo can only save one contact per phone number, the system will prompt you to restore them.

If you click on Yes and that phone number was previously deleted, then Gloo will automatically mark them as “Active” again, so they can begin receiving messages again!

However, you may run into an error when trying to restore them. This happens if there’s an existing contact with the same phone number with a different status (active, inactive, archived, unsubscribed, or blocked,) and they have not been deleted. You can check this by searching for the phone number you're trying to add in People!

Then, if you need to make any changes to that profile, you can click on their name and click Edit Profile.

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