Did you know that using public link shorteners like bit.ly can put your Gloo phone number at risk of being shut down by phone carriers? These public link shorteners are commonly used for spam, so many carriers will block numbers that use them. Fortunately, we've built a solution just for you in the Gloo app! The Gloo link shortener is safe and equally effective in shortening your links.
Shorten a URL when using the following Gloo features:
When adding a personalized "Note of Encouragement" for Prayer Requests
In Series message content
In Broadcast messages
In Keyword responses
In a Quick Response
How to Shorten a URL
Our URL shortener is built into the system, so there is no special setup required! All you have to do is:
Type in the entire URL in any message. It can be alone, or part of a larger message. Gloo automatically detects the link, so simply click the shorten URL button (the one that looks like a chainlink) and a new, shorter link will be generated.
The URL will be shortened in your message, and you will also get a green pop up notification to let you know the shortener did its job.