Barna Access Plus Pricing

A guide to pricing for Barna Access Plus accounts

Brian Knollman avatar
Written by Brian Knollman
Updated over a week ago

Barna Access Plus offers full access to hot-off-the-press releases including over 40 Barna reports, 25 corresponding sermon slides, 13 infographics and much more. Stay up-to-date on the latest research for trending topics such as Digital Church, Next Generation, and Leadership, specially curated into "channels" for Barna Access Plus users.

If you have a premium account with Gloo, then one free seat for a Barna Access Plus account is included in the price of your Gloo account! If you would like for more of your team to have access, you can purchase additional seats once you've set up your account.

If you do not have a premium account, Barna Access Plus starts at $19 a month. You may subscribe annually and receive a 20% discount. There are also discounts for purchasing multiple seats.

Below are pricing charts showing the discounts for multiple seats, as well as the discounts for annual memberships.

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