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MinistryPlatform Integration

Set up a MinistryPlatform integration to quickly populate your Gloo account with people.

Updated over a month ago

Integrations are the simplest way to quickly populate your Gloo account with people. Rather than adding people one by one or waiting on your connections to text into your Gloo phone number, you can easily upload your entire contact list into your Gloo account with just a few clicks.

How to set up a MinistryPlatform Integration

The first part of the integration is to create an API connection in your MinistryPlatform account to enable the integration with Gloo. Steps 1-5 show how to do this.

  1. Log into your administrator account on MinistryPlatform.

  2. Using the Advanced Menu on the left side, click the Administration dropdown. Select API Clients, and then click New API Client.

  3. Your Display Name and Client ID can both simply be "Gloo."

  4. The Client Secret box will be required later. This is simply a completely unique code that can be used to identify your account. This is not something you can custom create- it must be generated. To generate one, simply visit this online tool and generate a code using the default settings. Once you've generated the code, copy/paste it into the Client Secret box.

  5. Under the Redirect URLs section, you'll need to add the following link:

  6. Finally, select the user in MinistryPlatform that you want this to be associated with. This can be either the main administrator of your account, or the person setting up the Integration. Everything else on this page can be left with its default value. When you're finished, click Save.

    The second part of setting up the integration is done within your Gloo dashboard. Steps 6-11 show how to do this.

  7. Navigate to People -> Integrations and click the Connect button under MinistryPlatform.

  8. Enter your MinistryPlatform subdomain, with the full url. For example, if your church's MinistryPlatform account uses the url "," make sure you include the whole url. Next, enter the Client ID and Client Secret you set up in steps 1-5.

  9. Verify you have permission to text the numbers you will be importing. Then click Connect now.

  10. Select if you want to sync all people from your MinistryPlatform account or if you only want certain groups to be integrated.

    Important: Make sure to check out the notes in our Integrations Overview article to view requirements for which contacts Gloo is able to pull over from your MinistryPlatform account.

  11. If you want the integration to automatically update every night, toggle on the Sync nightly option. If you want the integration to only happen once and not automatically update, leave it toggled off.

  12. Click Continue to finalize the Integration.

Gloo will automatically sync your integration every night. Any groups you bring over from MinistryPlatform will automatically be created as Groups in Gloo. You can view the people in each group by going to People -> Groups. Any adding/removing people from MinistryPlatform groups needs to be done through MinistryPlatform, not Gloo.

Viewing, Editing, and Disconnecting your Integration

Once you have signed in, you'll be able to view, edit, or disconnect your Integration by going back to People -> Integrations and clicking View under the MinistryPlatform integration. If you've recently signed in, you can simply click the Integration, but if it's been longer than 24 hours, you may need to re-authenticate your MinistryPlatform Integration using the API Client info you set up earlier.

If you want to change your integration settings, simply click Edit to view the Integration. Then make any adjustments you want and click Continue to finalize the new settings.

If you want to disconnect your MinistryPlatform integration, click Disconnect. This will not remove any People that you have integrated, but it will prevent any future syncing and remove any previously synced MinistryPlatform groups from the Gloo Groups tab.

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