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Inbox: Messages Guide

Don't let any conversations slip through the cracks in the Messages Inbox.

Updated over 4 months ago

The Messages Inbox is designed to be a catch-all for every message going in and out of your Gloo account so that no one falls through the cracks. The Messages Inbox pulls in all messages with connections, which are labeled as Connections, as well as all conversations with Explorers if you have a premium/Gloo+ account. You can click on the Connections and Explorers tabs to view only those messages.

Pro Tip: You can filter your inbox even further! You can filter by whether they are an explorer or connection, their status, and the team member the conversation is assigned to.

Messaging with connections in the Messages tab often relies on many of Gloo's automated features to respond to messages so that you don't have to. For example, if someone correctly texts into a Workflow, the appropriate response is automatically sent to them. Or if someone asks a question related to a Quick Response, the system automatically answers their question. These messages display in the inbox as a black bubble.

Note: If you don't want to see these auto-responses, you can hide them with the toggle at the top of any conversation.

But what if someone incorrectly texts in a Workflow or asks a question the system isn't set up to respond to? Similarly, conversations with Explorers are usually very individualized and rarely rely on any of Gloo's automated responses. In these cases, they'll receive the status "Needs Response" so that you can take over the conversation to get the person the answer they need.

Any message that Gloo does not automatically respond to will be flagged with Needs Response with a black dot. If the message was from a connection and you have your "New Unresolved Message" response that you set up in your Customizations turned on, the connection will receive that response to let them know their message was received. If you prefer, you can turn that customization off so that they won't receive an automated message receipt.

Explorers, on the other hand, will still be marked as "Needs Response" with the black dot to let you know they've messaged, but will not receive the "New Unresolved Message" even if it is turned on in your system. This is because Connections may be used to and expect automated responses, but conversations with Explorers are always personalized and rarely use any automated responses, so we don't want any potentially jarring, bot-like messages to go out to them and interrupt the conversation.

Messages in your Inbox will be ordered so that conversations that need a response take priority and are shown first. This includes any conversations with Explorers who have responded that you have not yet messaged back. After all Unresolved Messages are shown, all other messages will be shown, with the most recent message first.

Send a reply to an Unresolved Message

  1. Click into a conversation with the status "Needs Response".

  2. If you have determined that a response is necessary, just type your response and click Send.

  3. Sometimes connections just message back to confirm attendance, or "like" a

    message. If you determine that a flagged message does not need a reply, simply click the Needs Response button, and mark them as Served. This will remove the notification icon and keep your Messages Inbox clean.

  4. You can also navigate to a person's profile right from the Messages Inbox by clicking on the profile icon to the right of the person's name.

Start a one-on-one conversation with any of your people and see all message history

Click on the person you want to chat with or search for their name in the search bar. Type out your message and click Send.

Note: View the entire message history with that person by scrolling.

Assign a conversation to a team member

  1. Click the icon in the bottom right of the preview

  2. Search for the team member you want to assign the conversation to and click on the checkbox by their name to make the assignment.

Pro Tip: You can quickly view all of the conversations assigned to yourself by clicking on Assigned to Me in the side menu.

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