Grow confident that your communication strategies are working with Gloo’s powerful Analytics feature. You’ll have visibility into reports on how your people are engaging with the content you’re sending out, and data to optimize how your staff and volunteers are responding.
To view Analytics, just navigate to your Insights tab and click on Messaging under the Dashboards section.
Messaging Performance
The top section gives insights into how your messaging is performing overall- how many people you are communicating with, how many new congregants and Explorers are coming into your account, etc.
You can use the options at the top to select what date range you'd like to see. Then just click on each category to see its graph displayed. If you toggle on the Show comparison button in the top right corner, you can see the graph compared to the same length of time, the period before. For example, when viewing the 1 month timeframe, the graph will show the past 30 days, and the comparison will show the 30 days before that.
Note that the first 4 categories- Subscribers, Opt-Ins, Opt-Outs and Messages sent- will show for all Gloo users. However, in order to access the second set of categories- Explorers, Broadcasts Sent, Workflow Steps Executed, and Poll Responses- you'll need to upgrade to a Gloo+ account. Learn more about all of the benefits of this easy upgrade here!
Subscribers are individuals who have elected to receive messages. These include both Connections and Explorers. The number displayed here will be the total number of people currently in your account whose contact status is Active, regardless of what timeframe is selected.
Opt-Ins are new individuals who have opted into communication (by being added manually, via csv or Integration, or texting for the first time) in the given timeframe. It includes both Connections and Explorers.
Opt-Outs are individuals that you were texting with at one point, but they have opted out of further communication by texting back STOP. A high number of opt-outs puts your phone number at risk of being blocked by the phone carriers as spam, and can be avoided by making sure you obtain permission from people before beginning to text them.
Messages Sent
This will show how many total messages you have sent from your account in the given time period. It will include all Broadcasts, individual messages to Connections and Explorers, and any automated messages from Gloo like Quick Responses and Workflows.
An Explorer is a person who is searching online for help, and has responded to a campaign from one of Gloo's ad partners. Explorers are routed directly into your Gloo account if you are a Gloo+ member. This section tracks how many new Explorers you've received in your account in the given timeframe.
Note: The next 3 sections are only available to Gloo+ members. Learn more about how to upgrade here!
Broadcasts Sent
This will show how many total Broadcasts you have sent out, regardless of how many people they were delivered to. For example, a Broadcast message sent to 50 people still will only show up as one Broadcast in this section.
Workflow Steps Executed
This will show how many individual steps in your Workflows have been executed. For example, a single-step Workflow that simply send one text message back will count as one step executed for each person who activates that Workflow. But if a Workflow sends a text, adds someone to a group, and then sends a followup text 3 days later, each of those will count as its own step.
Poll Responses
This will show how many total responses you have received in the given time period to any Polls that you have run.
Workflows and Keywords
This section shows how active and effective your Workflows and the keywords used to trigger them are. You can see top performers in each category over the previous 30 days.
Note: If you aren’t using a particular feature, the box will show zeros and say “No data.”