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How to create a Workflow in a mobile browser
How to create a Workflow in a mobile browser

Create personalized pathways for your contacts through the ease of your mobile device

Updated over 2 months ago

Workflows combine several old Gloo features into one seamless experience that allows you to create personalized pathways for your contacts. Each Workflow is triggered by a keyword and can be designed to send texts, add or remove people to groups, send email notifications to your Gloo Team Members, and more.

Free Gloo accounts are able to create unlimited Single Step Workflows, but will be limited to three Multistep Workflows. If you'd like more than three, you'll need to upgrade to our Gloo+ membership.

Creating a Workflow in a mobile browser πŸ”„

Let's go through three examples of Workflows to demonstrate what they can do: a Single Step Workflow (the equivalent of an old Gloo Keyword), and 2 different Multistep Workflows (the equivalent of an old Gloo Keyword with an added Effect, and an old Gloo Series).

Single Step Workflow

Let's say you are having a church get together at the park next Saturday and want to set up a very simple way for people to get information. A Single Step Workflow can easily do this!

Note: Free Gloo accounts are able to create unlimited Single Step Workflows.

  1. When you are in Messaging, tap on Outbox at the bottom of your screen. Then, tap on Workflows at the top of your screen. Tap + Create New

  2. Tap Create from scratch. You also have the option for templated Workflows.

  3. On this screen, let's first title our Workflow "Park" and enter a keyword to associate to the Workflow. This is the first step to any Workflow, and anytime someone texts that keyword into your Gloo phone number, it will trigger the Workflow. For this example, let's use the keyword "park." Note that keywords are not case sensitive, but in order to trigger a Workflow, they must be texted in exactly and alone.

  4. Now that you've created the keyword to trigger your Workflow, tap the Plus Icon to add a step. The steps that are currently available to add are: Send a text, Add or remove from Group or send an Email notification. Gloo+ users have the option to Send Menu and will soon have the option for Branches.

  5. For this Single Step Workflow, we'll just Send a Text. Type out the text you want someone to receive with information about the picnic. Note all of the format options available - inserting images, emojis, videos, data, and Memos. Once you're finished, tap Save.

  6. That's it! Your first text sent in a Workflows will always be sent immediately. Now anytime someone texts in the word "park" to your Gloo account, they'll automatically receive the information!

  7. Note that all Workflows will be turned on by default when you create them. This is shown with a green toggle on your Workflow, as well as another green light on the main Workflows page. You can turn a Workflow off at any time by switching the toggle so that you can keep the Workflow's data around, but prevent any new people from activating it by texting in the keyword.

Multistep Workflow 1

Now, let's move on to a Multistep Workflow. Let's say you want to send out the information about the park get together, but it would also be convenient to add everyone who texts in the keyword to a Group so that you can send them all a message as the day gets closer. No problem! This would be the equivalent of an old Gloo Keyword with an added Effect.

Free Gloo accounts are able to create three Multistep Workflows. If you'd like to create more, consider upgrading to a Gloo+ account!

  1. First, let's create a group for our park get together. Tap the square at the bottom of your screen and switch to People.

  2. Tap Groups and tap + Create a Group.

  3. Name your group and tap Create.

  4. Now navigate back to Messaging -> Outbox -> Workflows and tap on your Park Workflow to edit it and add a step.

  5. Underneath the first text you configured, tap the Plus Icon to add a new step. Let's select Add or remove from group.

  6. Now just set the step to "Add to" the group "Park." It's that easy! Now anyone who texts in "park" will both receive the information AND be added to your Park group so that you can easily send a Broadcast at any time to the whole group with announcements and updates.

Multistep Workflow 2

Now, let's start over with a more complicated example. Maybe you'd like to invite new attendees of your church to receive a handful of texts for a week or two after they first attend, as well as add them to a group and make sure that your Connections pastor knows about them. Let's get to it! This would be the equivalent of an old Gloo Series with some added Effects.

Free Gloo accounts are able to create three Multistep Workflows. If you'd like to create more, consider upgrading to a Gloo+ account!

  1. When you are in Messaging, tap on Outbox at the bottom of your screen. Then, tap on Workflows at the top of your screen. Tap + Create New

  2. Tap Create from scratch. You also have the option for templated Workflows!

  3. On this screen, let's first title our Workflow "New Attendees" and enter a keyword to associate to the Workflow. This is the first step to any Workflow, and anytime someone texts that keyword into your Gloo phone number, it will trigger the Workflow. For this example, let's use the keyword "new." Note that keywords are not case sensitive, but in order to trigger a Workflow, they must be texted in exactly and alone. (Please note, my screenshot says "new1" as a test because "new" is already in use).

  4. Now that you've created the keyword to trigger your Workflow, tap the Plus Icon to add a step. The steps that are currently available to add are: Send a text, Add or remove from Group or send an Email notification. Gloo+ users have the option to Time Delay and Send Menu.

  5. For this Workflow, let's first send a text to welcome our guest. Type out the text you want someone to receive right away when they opt into your Workflow. Note all of the format options available - inserting images, emojis, videos, data, and Memos. Once you're finished, tap Save.

  6. Now that we've sent a first response to our guest, let's get them added to a group! If you haven't already done so, head over to People -> Groups and tap + Create a Group.

  7. Name your group and tap Create.

  8. Navigate back to your New Attendees Workflow and tap on it to edit it. Underneath the first text you configured, tap the Plus Icon to add a new step. Let's select Add or remove from group. Then set the Workflow to add them to the "New Attendees" group you just created. Now, any guests texting in the "new" keyword, they will automatically be added into a group for easy viewing and tracking later!

  9. Now your guest is in the Workflow and has been added to the group. But maybe you also want your Connections Pastor to be aware of them. No problem! Tap that Plus Icon again to add a new step, and this time choose Email Notification. Select your Connections Pastor to set the Workflow to automatically send them an email notification any time a guest starts the Workflow.

    Note: If you haven't already added your Connections Pastor as a Gloo Team Member, check out this article for instructions!

  10. Now that you've handled all of the administrative components, let's start building out more messages to go to our new attendee. Tap the Plus Icon again and select Send a text to add a new message.

  11. Let's type out a message to ask for some feedback. We can use the box on the bottom to configure when that message will be sent out- we'll select one day later at noon. That way any guest who texts in the keyword on Sunday will receive the first text immediately, and this second text on Monday at noon. Or, if they attend Bible study on Wednesday and text in then, they'll receive the first text immediately and the second text on Thursday at noon! Once you have things the way you want, tap Save.

  12. Keep adding as many messages as you'd like! Note that if you want to duplicate a message for easier editing later, you can just tap the copy icon on the right side. You can also use these icons to reorder or delete the steps in your Workflow.

  13. You can add as many steps as you'd like. Make sure to set up your Workflows the way you like before people begin texting into them! If someone completes all steps in a Workflow and then you add more steps later, that contact will not receive the new steps.

Important: The scheduled time for each message to go out is relative to the previous message. For example, it you set it to "3 Days later" at 12pm, that message will go out 3 days after the last message in the Workflow.

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